Sunday, 4 February 2018

Dear Medina Members and all those that have been in contact with Medina Theatre Ensemble,

            The past year has proven to be a phenomenal success thanks to your input and interest.  We had a most successful Holocaust Education Performance at Temple Sinai of "A Shayna Maidel" by Barbara Lebow and directed by Jacqui Burke.  Our cast included Fabio Sapasnik, Marion Hirschberg, Barry Minshell, Maxx Finkelstein, Cari Haim and Gina Giorgakopoulos all performing to an almost full house.

            We immediately began working on two more  of our theatrical programs.  Scenes are currently being written by members and worked on to be eventually performed at various venues.  We are now in rehearsal for scenes directed by our own Gloria Valentine, under the name of MedinaScenes Ensemble and we have already secured a performance date of Valentine Day, February 14th with a second venue still to be confirmed.

Our second program is our full length play and this year it was chosen during our workshops with Mario D'Alimonte.  The Odd Couple - Female Version by Neil Simon is far funnier than the male one, or maybe that's because Medina's members will be performing it.  Jacqui Burke will be directing and of course, there are lots of roles for women and some for the guys as well.  This play will be performed three times.  In the past it was felt that so much work was done for just one performance so this year, we now have confirmed dates of Temple Sinai on Monday April 23rd, Beth David on Wednesday April 25th and Beth Torah on May 1st.  There will also be seven rehearsals which includes the one on the day of performance. 

AUDITIONS:  Thursday March 15th 7 p.m to 9 p.m. with call backs on Sun. March 18th 1 - 4 (if necessary)
                         Rehearsals begin on Thursday March 29th 7 - 9

                                                PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL REHEARSALSES WILL BE HELD AT 15 MURRICH STREET  (YONGE AND DAVENPORT AREA)       

To arrange for an audition, please email me at or call me at 416-445-8718.  Emailing me is the best choice.

With best regards to all and hoping you had a happy, healthy and WARM holiday season.  Just keep in mind, spring is on the way....eventually.

Reva Lawry